The Coronavirus originates from a family of viruses that can cause respiratory diseases and whose structure is rather pointy, resembling a crown (from Spanish, “corona”). According to W.H.O (World Health Organisation), a new kind of virus, known as 2019-nCoV or “Coronavirus”, has been discovered on January 7th by the Chinese authorities.


Until then, there were only six kinds of coronavirus that could infect humans, going from the harmless mutations, responsible for the common flu, to the most hazardous ones, such as the MERS (Middle East Respiratory Disease), which killed hundreds of people every year in the last two decades.


The symptoms of the new coronavirus (2019-nCov) may include fever, cough, fatigue and shortness of breath. In milder cases of the coronavirus, the infected person will experience something similar to a flu, while severe cases can cause pneumonia, renal insufficiency and even death.

How does it spread?

According to the National Health Commission of China, the new coronavirus can spread before symptoms even appear. However, it's unclear how easily it spreads from  person to person. This same Health Commission also alerts to the fact that the coronavirus's incubation period can vary between one to fourteen days.

What is the treatment?

There is no specific treatment, but research is underway. Most of the time, symptoms will go away on their own and experts advise seeking care early. If symptoms feel worse than a standard cold, see your doctor.
Doctors can relieve symptoms by prescribing pain or fever medication. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also states a room humidifier or a hot shower can help with a sore throat or cough. Drink plenty of fluids, get rest and sleep as much as possible.

How to protect yourself from getting infected according to the World Health Organization?

WHO’s standard recommendations for the general public to reduce exposure to and transmission of a range of illnesses
are as follows, which include hand and respiratory hygiene, and safe food practices:


Frequently clean hands by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water;


When coughing and sneezing cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue – throw tissueaway immediately and wash hands;


Avoid close contact with anyone who hasa fever and cough; 


If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing seek medical care early and share previous travel history with your health care provider;


When visiting live markets in areas currently experiencing cases of the novel coronavirus, avoid direct unprotected contact with live animals and surfaces in   contact with animals;


The consumption of raw or undercooked animal products should be avoided. Raw meat, milk or animal organs should be handled with care, to avoid cross-  contamination with uncookedfoods, as per good food safety practices.

Some examples of virus inactivation through heat

Numerous studies confirm the inactivation of viruses with the application of heat. For example, the HIV virus in the blood will die when exposed to 170,6°F for just 0.006 seconds.


In another study, the “parvovirus” and “phage phiX174” viruses were completely inactivated when exposed to 217,4°F.


The SARS and MERS viruses (coronaviruses that cause Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) have temperature sensitive proteins in their envelopes, which can be totally denatured at temperatures above 149°F, and remain inactive5 .

Similarly, proteins essential for the transmission of the influenza virus are sensitive to temperatures between 131°F and 158°F6.

In all those cases, the temperatures were below the Airfree’s ceramic core internal temperature of 400º F.

Airfree TSS technology

Airfree is a complementary precaution to keep a low level of microorganisms in indoor environments. WHO’s standard recommendations for individual  protection, reducing exposure and cross transmission are to be followed.


Airfree cannot warrant that all room viruses will be destroyed before being inhaled.

Since 1977, studies have shown that the higher the temperature, the faster the proteins get denatured . Therefore, we may infer that Airfree purifiers are
effective in the inactivation of viruses proteins in most cases.

Airfree destroys viruses

Airfree cannot warrant that all room viruses will be destroyed before being inhaled



Exclusive Patented Thermodynamic TSS Technology: Airfree’s exclusive and patented Thermodynamic TSS Technology has been independently tested in “real life” working conditions by world renowned institutions and ISO 17025 laboratories in many different countries including the USA, Sweden and Germany. Airfree offers a detailed copy of the independent tests on its website


NO ozone, NO ions, NO UV light: The Airfree Thermodynamic TSS Technology generates no dangerous emissions, NO ions, NO UV light and NO
ozone. Independent tests in laboratories in Sweden demonstrate that Airfree actually reduces ozone by 26%.


No extra costs with filters replacement and maintenance: Airfree does not require any filters or replacement parts, saving you money and time.


Completely Silent: Airfree technology sterilizes the air with a completely silent operation.


Low energy consumption: Airfree Thermodynamic TSS Technology does not use filters or fans therefore it has a very low energy


Small and portable: The Airfree model is small and portable so you can use in different rooms according to your needs.


Made in Europe: Airfree is manufactured in a modern installation in Europe assuring high quality products.